How do social media consultants help small businesses?

Author: MASK Digital Solutions
February 14, 2022

Posting on social media might seem like an easy task, and small businesses might wonder why consultants charge them so much to do so, but there’s more to social media than we think. You aren’t just coming up with witty memes and informational content, it’s also making sure your content is relatable to your audience. Here are a few things to look out for when you are working with a social media consultant.


Social Media Consultants have to help you with your strategy. This is when their expertise is useful to your small business. They should draw up a clear plan for your small business and state a few things very clearly. We’ve listed some of those things below.

  • What objectives can social media help our small business achieve?
  • What kind of online activities need to be done for the brand? How do they tie in with the objectives?
  • What platforms should we use?
  • Where does my target audience hang out the most?
  • How frequently do we post?
  • How can we use social media to improve SEO?
  • What are some content ideas you have for our brand?
  • What brand voice should we use?


Consultants can also implement said strategy and take care of the content creation process for you. Of course, you’d be expected to provide them with pictures, videos or testimonials. However, most of the time consuming and research-heavy work will be done by them! You’d be surprised by how much research goes into creating content online. You need to see what kind of content is trending for your niche and tailor your posts accordingly. 

They’ll create posts that are visually on brand, while keeping your brand voice in mind. All you have to do is approve the posts and double check on some of the informational content. After all, YOU are the expert.

They might also schedule out all the content for you, so you don’t have to worry about social media at all. Posts will go out as scheduled and any interactions with your audience can be handled by the consultant or your team. 


The consultant keeps a track of everything, on all your social media platforms. They’re going to provide you with quantifiable results that tell you how your social media marketing is going. Consultants should be able to tweak your strategy based on any new information they find and help your brand grow. Monthly reports are the best way to find out if a particular campaign of yours has worked because you’re giving it enough time to reach an audience. 


This is perhaps the most important thing a social media consultant can help you with. If you aren’t getting any engagement from your social media, then hiring a social media consultant isnt worth it. Engagement can come in the forms of likes, comments, shares, phone calls, appointments, contact form submissions etc. You need to receive tangible proof that your social media marketing is working! A social media consultant can create a process that delivers qualified leads that can be converted into clients.

As always, if you need help with your social media, you should reach out to us! We’re available on Facebook and Instagram, or you could send us an email at Our social media team handles everything from content creation, design, writing captions and even conducting customized hashtag research for YOUR brand!

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